At Charlotte Hunt Osteopaths Old Coulsdon, we use many different techniques. We will discuss these with you during Osteopathic treatment.
Generally, the first thought for back pain is to visit an Osteopath. We can use joint manipulation or ‘clicking’ techniques. But we have many other gentle treatment tools and treat every joint in the body, even toes and fingers!
Osteopaths Treatment Benefits
Osteopathy treatment involves helping the body’s healing abilities. It ensures that the structure and functions of the body are working at their optimum. The human body is one unit, even though it has differently named parts. They are all inter-connected and, therefore, can affect each other. Improving the quality and range of movement of the skeleton is also essential. The soft tissues that connect the bones and organs will improve bodily functions. These include the blood and nerve supplies to body tissues. Soft tissues include muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, skin, fat, blood vessels and nerves. Improving bodily functions help to reduce pain and balance the overall health and well-being of the body.
Osteopaths Old Coulsdon Testimonial:
I have been visiting Charlotte Hunt for osteopathy since August following a whiplash injury due to moving furniture. The pain was extreme the day after. My restricted neck movement was just 1 inch to the left. After a month on Diamezapan and Naproxen from my doctor, it was not correcting the problem. It was just masking the pain, so I went along to see Charlotte.
I was apprehensive that anyone could correct the problem. I had been seeing the doctor and also a chiropractor locally who made the pain much worse. After the first session with Charlotte, I had 50% more movement. Both my neck and shoulder pain had gone. After just three sessions, I completely forgot about the pain, and my movement was back to normal.
Jane, Yoga Teacher
Osteopaths Old Coulsdon Techniques
Osteopaths can choose from a range of manipulative or cranial techniques during treatment. Each method is effective for specific symptoms.
Soft tissue techniques use hands/forearms to release any specific adhesions. It is in all the soft tissues of an area, not just the muscle like in a massage. Osteopaths palpate, apply pressure or stretch specific regions. It will, however, result in the patient feeling an easing reaction.
Muscle energy release is where the patient moves their muscles in one direction. The osteopath counters that movement – like a push / pull motion.
Furthermore, Myofascial release allows tension release within the fascial tissue. It surrounds the muscles, bones and organs with specific and firm pressure.
Joint mobilisation techniques take a joint through its natural range of movement to release tissue tension. Gentle joint release techniques use quick, specific force to a joint. It may also initiate an audible or apparent release. Also, cranial osteopathy includes very delicate and subtle pressure to the head, spine and tailbone. It rebalances strains and stimulates healing more deeply.
If you wish to discuss your painful back or another issue, please leave a message. Alternatively, please call us on 07957 563 472. We look forward to hearing from you!