Thirty years ago, sporting injuries culminated in permanent disc bulges in my early twenties. These were at L4 and L5. To prevent back surgery, I started lifelong management of Chronic Low Back Pain using osteopathy and exercise.
I have used Charlotte Hunt since 2011 and highly recommend her services. Charlotte plans your individual needs. Your treatment depends on your circumstances, and recovery is a joint effort. The patient is correct at the heart of their plan.
Chronic Low Back Pain management is essential – Treat the cause, not the pain!
I underwent complex surgery for an aggressive prostate cancer tumour five years ago. Charlotte worked on me post-operatively. The treatment helped to reduce internal scar formation. Moreover, it helped to realign my spine and diaphragm and assisted my post-operative recovery.
I also now attend maintenance sessions and address the occasional back flare-up. Osteopathy has enabled me to manage my back. I can still umpire hockey at the very highest of levels successfully.”
JW, Hockey Umpire & Accountant
Please leave a message to discuss your painful back or another issue. Alternatively, please call us on 07957 563 472. We look forward to hearing from you!